Pastor Rema & Karen Spencer
Pastor Rema and Karen are residents of Wayne, New Jersey for over a decade, where they raised their three children. Pastor Rema is currently a clinical chaplain at St. Joseph’s Hospital, NJ, a graduate of Cairn University, and Biblical Theological Seminary of Pennsylvania. He served as an associate Pastor and Counselor in the Wayne area for nine years, where he founded the Life Guidance Center. Prior to that he served as a Minister and Counselor in the Inner City for eleven years; Counselor at the Market Street Mission in Morristown, NJ for one year and Missionary to Barbados, WI for two and a half years.
The Team Ministry of this couple is enhanced by the Master’s Degree in Clinical and Counseling Psychology that Karen completed. She sees this as an open door of opportunity to serve God’s people, the Church, and the general public. The need in our society is greater than ever. Their vision is to fully develop a spirit filled “Life Wellness Center.” They will work together to help all persons and families obtain wellness of: Spirit, Mind, Body, Relationships, and Finances.
While serving as a Team Associate Pastor, the Lord placed Royal Family Ministries (RFM) into the spirit of Pastor Rema, and in the fullness of His time saw it fit to birth this Ministry in 2007. It is a Ministry that is being defined by Prayer. “For my House shall be called a House of Prayer for all Nations” (Mark 11:17). The Spencers continue to lead RFM by example in prayer.
The passion of the Spencers is to disciple all people into the Family of God through this Ministry. They believe that this Ministry was birthed at this critical time to complement what God is already doing in New Jersey and around the World. The time is now for the Church to unite as one in the fulfillment of the Great Commission before the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Acknowledgement of Significant Spiritual Influences: James & Lynette Spencer (Parents); Rev. Bertha Brown (Spiritual Mother); The Late Rev. Dr. Allene Gilmore (Pastor); Rev. Richard Fogel; Pastor Edward Ramirez of Harvest Outreach Ministries in Paterson, NJ.